Блог. Family and wedding photographer in Prague Natalia Fedori
Блог. Family and wedding photographer in Prague Natalia Fedori

Hello! My name is Natalia and I am a professional photographer in Prague. I’m glad you visited my website. 

In this blog, I will try to write useful articles for those who are thinking about having a photoshoot or are preparing for one. 

I will also periodically show what I am photographing and how. 

All the information contained in the texts is my subjective experience, confirmed by many years of practice. If you have any suggestions or recommendations, I would be happy to hear them.

Блог. Family and wedding photographer in Prague Natalia Fedori

Individual photoshoot in Prague

Why should every woman consider having an individual photoshoot?
Блог. Family and wedding photographer in Prague Natalia Fedori

О моих ценностях в работе

О том, что для меня фотография и о моих ценностях в работе.